
Hydrangeas Care: Nurturing Blooms with Love

If there’s one thing we Southern folks know, it’s how to tend to our gardens with tender, lovin’ care. And when it comes to hydrangeas, those big, beautiful blooms that light up our yards with their vibrant colors deserve nothin’ but the best. So, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s talk about the top four ways to care for these Southern darlings.

Simply Southern Cottage Hydrangeas Care

Location, Location, Location

Now, y’all know that old saying applies to more than just real estate. Hydrangeas need just the right spot to thrive. These beauties prefer a place with morning sun and afternoon shade, especially in the scorching heat of Southern summers. Find ’em a cozy nook where they can soak up that gentle morning light without gettin’ scorched by the afternoon sun. My hydrangeas are planted on the north side of my cottage and abundantly thrive in this location.

Water, Water Everywhere

Hydrangeas might be named after water ’cause they sure do love hydration. Keep them hydrated, especially during dry spells. But don’t go overboard; they don’t like soggy feet either. Give ’em a good drink when the soil starts to feel dry about an inch down, and they’ll reward you with lush foliage and big, showy blooms.

Simply Southern Cottage Hydrangeas Care

Hydrangeas, Feed ‘Em Right

Like we Southerners need our comfort food, hydrangeas need their fair share of nutrients to keep them healthy and happy. Give ’em a little boost in the spring with a slow-release fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants. And if your soil’s alkaline, a sprinkle of aluminum sulfate every now and then will keep those blooms blue as a summer sky.

Prune with Purpose

Now, I know it can be tempting to go to town with your pruning shears, but less is more when it comes to hydrangeas. Most varieties bloom on old wood, so if you go choppin’ away in the fall or winter, you might be snipping off next year’s blooms. If you must prune, do it right after they finish blooming in the summer. And remember, some hydrangeas, like the bigleaf ones, bloom on old wood, while others, like the panicle types, bloom on new wood. So, know what kind you’ve got before you start snippin’. (Use Google Lens to help you identify.)

Simply Southern Cottage Hydrangeas Care

Your Turn

So there you have it, y’all, the top four ways to care for your hydrangeas with a Southern touch. Just remember to give ’em plenty of love, a little water, some good food, and they’ll reward you with blooms as big and beautiful as a Southern belle’s hat at the Kentucky Derby. Happy gardening, y’all!

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  1. Thank you so much for all of the tips for growing hydrangeas. It sounds doable. I tried them years ago and they did not ever bloom. So I want to try them again, as I absolutely love them when I see them.

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