
6 Simple Things Everyone Should Know About Crepe Myrtles

If you’re thinking about sprucing up your yard, let me tell you about one of the BEST trees you can plant – the crepe myrtle. These beauties are perfect for adding color and charm to your garden. Here’s why you should plant crepe myrtles in your yard, too.

Simply Southern Cottage Crepe Myrtles

Gorgeous Blooms

First, crepe myrtles are downright gorgeous. They bloom in the summer with pink, red, white, and purple bunches. With their lovely blossoms and smooth, mottled bark, these trees can make your yard look like a scene from a fairy tale with flowers of pink.

Ideal Growing Zones for Crepe Myrtles

Let’s talk about where crepe myrtles thrive the best. These trees do well in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 9. That means crepe myrtles will feel right at home in your yard if you live in the southern parts of the United States, like in Texas, Georgia, or the Carolinas.

Easy to Care For

One of the great things about crepe myrtles is they’re pretty easy to take care of. They love sunshine, so plant them where they can get at least six hours of sunlight daily. They’re not too picky about soil but do best with good drainage. When planting your crepe myrtle, water it regularly to help it settle in. Once established, it’s relatively drought-tolerant, which is handy during those hot, southern summers.

Fertilizing Tips for Crepe Myrtles

Fertilizing your crepe myrtle in the spring with a balanced fertilizer will help it grow strong and healthy. Just sprinkle some around the base of the tree and water it in. You don’t need to go overboard – once or twice a year should do the trick.

Pruning Guidelines

Let’s chat about pruning. Some folks get a bit carried away with pruning their crepe myrtles, but it’s not that complicated. The best time to prune is in late winter or early spring (I usually trim mine in February), before new growth starts. Look for any dead or diseased branches and cut those off first. Then, trim away any branches crossing or rubbing against each other.

You might have heard folks talk about “crepe murder,” which is when people chop the tree back too much. This isn’t good for the tree and can make it look stubby and ugly. Instead, focus on shaping the tree nicely and letting it grow naturally. If you need to, you can cut back the tips of the branches to control the size, but don’t go overboard.

Fall and Winter Beauty

Crepe myrtles also have some pretty neat features even after the flowers fade. In the fall, the leaves turn bright shades of orange, red, and yellow, giving you a splash of color before winter. And their bark peels off in the winter, showing off smooth, cinnamon-colored trunks that look great even with no leaves.

Your Turn to Plant Crepe Myrtles

So, there you have it, my friends! Crepe myrtles are a wonderful addition to any southern yard. They’re easy to care for, beautiful to look at, and bring colorful beauty to your garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, crepe myrtles are a surefire way to make your yard stand out.

Let me know in the comments below if you have crepe mrytles in your yard and comment with your best tips so we can all learn from you!.

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  1. Meredith Schultz says:

    I live in Tennessee and we have beautiful crepe Myrtle’s. My choice are The variety is Natchez and the color white. They are beautiful and is as tall as my two story house. They really don’t require a lot of care. ITrim some of the blooms off after they are finished and they will rebloom.

  2. Lisa says:

    I live in Georgia. We have 11 beautiful crepe myrtles in our yard. Some white and some pink.

  3. Debbie says:

    We have 2 we planted 3 years ago no ideal how to care for them. But they are doing great but they are more like bushes would love for them to be trees, I guess they will be???????? They are already 4 foot high so….

  4. Thank you for sharing! Will definitely look into planting one of several. I just found a lovely nursery so will check it out! Great informative read! 🌸🤍

  5. Kelly Rutherford says:

    We bought a smallish one and it had blooms. That was 2 years ago. It has never bloomed again.😕 The tee looks healthy otherwise. I live in NC and everyone else’s are gorgeous so it can’t be the soil .

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